Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Chiapas in picture form

...the first half of the trip, at least. I wrote a long update describing the first half of the trip, and my mom is sending it out to people. Here are some highlights:
-11 hours on a bus
-200 pesos (20 dollars) for a four-hour tour for nine people through the Mayan ruins of Palenque and the surrounding jungle
-Seeing unrestored ruins, animals, and waterfalls in the middle of the jungle
-The best italian food and the coolest restaurant I've been to in a long time... in the middle of the jungle
-The coolest waterfalls I have ever seen (even if Agua Clara wasn't clear, and Agua Azul wasn't blue... darn rain)
-A quest for Carl Weathers at the waterfall (a tribute to Arrested Development and Predator)
-Indigenous girls selling us tiny bananas, and the way they wouldn't leave us alone even after we bought bananas.
-A 220 km (140 mile) bus ride from Palenque to San Cristobal that took FIVE hours because the roads were so windy. (Think 80% hairpin curves)
-Four hours in San Cristobal's market for the girls; 20 minutes for the guys
-Eating at "Gato Gordo" (The Fat Cat)
-Running into a protest and having a guy explain what was going on
-Exploring San Cristobal

A few pictures:

This is a view of one of the buildings of the Palenque ruins, as seen from the top of another building. There is a small area that contains five different temples, and this is taken from the top of the tallest, the Temple of the Cross.

Kassie and me at Agua Azul, eating our baby bananas. There were countless indigenous girls running around, selling bunches of fresh and bags of fried bananas. They were SO good, even if they were tiny.

This is our whole group in front of Misol-Ha, a waterfall near Palenque. Misol-Ha is the main waterfall in the movie Predator. (Or so I'm told... I haven't actually seen the movie.)

Six (of nine total) of us enjoying breakfast at a coffee museum in San Cristobal. We decided the museum looked lame but the food looked great. It seemed to work out well.