Thursday, August 10, 2006

I have been in Mexico for a full week now, so I figure it's time for another update. For those who have facebook, I'll eventually have all of my pictures up on there. For now, though, there are a few at the bottom of this entry.

This week has been orientation for the international students. We have paid fees, gotten paperwork for our student visas, enrolled in classes, and wandered all over Cholula. The last six of us were finally able to move into our dorms on Tuesday night, so we're all doing our best to get comfortable. Five of us have to go BACK to registration tomorrow morning, and hopefully we'll be able to get into all the classes that we need. I hope to take three Spanish classes: oral communication, writing, and grammar. The classes are "II-A," which is supposed to be intermediate. I think classes will be challenging, but I also think that's the best way for me to learn Spanish quickly and well. So...we'll see how that works out.

Things at El Pozo are going well. A group of students from Savannah, GA were in town for a few days as part of a short-term mission project, and we hung out with them last night. It was really great, just to see how a community can look inside of La Casa Verde. We ate some AMAZING tacos, talked, worshipped, and played a round of "Big Booty." (For those who don't know, it's a game involving rhythm/numbers, and it gets very loud and very funny.) I'm excited about the El Pozo open house on Tuesday, as well as the rest of the semester.

I'm still adjusting to being here, but I really like it. I think I'll feel much better once class and El Pozo activities really get going, and I can find a routine.

Here are some pictures (and explanations):

There's a family of peacocks living on UDLA's campus. Here are the mother and babies. The father was nearby - we think he was mad that we were so close to his family.

This is a view of the widest pyramid ever built, standing in the middle of Cholula. It is now overgrown, and a church was built on top of the pyramid when the area was colonized by Spaniards. The hike up isn't very long, but it's very steep. It's also hard to catch your breath because of the high elevation in Puebla.

This is the fountain in one of the "zocalos" (city squares) in Cholula. There are three; each is home to a major church in the city. This is San Pedro Cholula's zocalo. It is also home to a great playground, a shoeshiner named Alfredo, and one of many open-air markets.


At 1:52 AM, Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh, are we sure I can't come? It looks SO amazing. You have to find me the greatest thing EVER to make up for this. I'm so jealous. =)

Somewhere in that Madeleine L'Engle book, she talked about how nature really makes her think of God...and I guess I'd heard this before, but it didn't connect, or something. There really is a lot about natural beauty in the Bible, and I think I understand that a little better now after living in Colorado for two summers. I'm so glad for you that you get to live in such a beautiful place.

At 1:54 AM, Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

Okay, I have to add just one more thing: What are all the peacocks' names?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Audrey said...

The father's name is Jose, and the mother is Delores. They haven't told me the names of the kids yet. =)

...and if you happen to have $500 just lying around, definitely come. Otherwise I'll just bring something neat back to you. =)

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Audrey -- Thanks for your prayers. I'll be sure to pray for you and your Spanish in return. :) Mexico sounds wonderful; you're so lucky to be there, especially with what sounds like a good community. Savor the experience while you can. It'll probably be over sooner than you expect.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Cholula! I visited the church at the top and it was filled with beautiful flowers for a festival. It was one of my favorite places. I remember something about there being 365 churches in that area too, but that could have been an exaggeration. Make sure you check out the artisans market in Puebla. Lots of great stuff and they will haggle with you!

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am soo proud of you for taking intermediate Spanish! I am sure you will do just great!! Thanks for taking my advice ... lol! Expect an e-mail in the near future! I'm praying for y'all! Enjoy every minute of it!!

At 8:18 AM, Blogger gtcrew said...

omg, BIG BOOTY!! big booty, big booty, big booty!

Glad to hear you're having a good time!


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