Monday, August 21, 2006

pinkeye and pyramids

It seems impossible that I have been here for more than two weeks. In some ways, I feel like I’m just starting to adapt to life in another country. At the same time, though, I feel like I can hardly remember NOT being here. So much has happened in two weeks, and there is still so much ahead of us.

We have had three activities at El Pozo so far: a “welcome back” barbeque, our first Café Ingles, and a bowling trip. All three were really fun, but we’re hoping that it’s just the beginning. A ton of people came out for the barbeque, and we ate AMAZING tacos prepared by Matt and Betty (one of the full-time staff members and our Mexican intern). It started raining and, eventually, hailing halfway through the event, but it didn’t stop the fun. We all ran to a tent behind the house and continued playing games, talking, and getting to know each other. Café Ingles is a weekly event to help the Mexican students practice their English. As is the case for all great college events, it includes free food, ping pong, and washers. We only had about 5-10 Mexican students come out for that, and we were a little disappointed. Bowling on Friday was even more gringo biased, but we had fun. We’re trying to remember that this is just the first week. Tuesday night is our first En Vivo (Bible study), and we’re hoping that will really get things going for the year.

Spanish continues to be a challenge for the team as a whole. Megan, one of the four who was added to the team late, is conversational. The rest of us… well, we have some catching up to do. Classes seem to help a lot, and I really think we’re picking it up. I can follow most conversations, and I’m starting to be able to talk back. It’s still frustrating for us, but most people are pretty patient. I can’t wait to be able to communicate better with my roommates and the students at El Pozo, and I have to remind myself that I am learning, even on the days when it feels hopeless.

Our team has taken a beating in the last couple of weeks. Between the 10 of us, we have had two sinus infections, two colds, a case of pinkeye, a rolled ankle, a death of a grandparent, and a mother who found out she has cancer. All of this within two weeks has taken a physical and emotional toll on all of us. I, unfortunately, have to own up to two of those: the pinkeye and the rolled ankle. I’m taking medicine for my eyes, and I think the sore, swollen ankle will be nothing more than a bad memory in a couple of days. It’s just frustrating for all of us, but we’re doing our best to just trust that we are here for a specific purpose and not let anything stand in the way of that purpose.

Four of us went on a trip to some pyramids yesterday. Although this was the site of the ankle injury, it was still a great experience. The pyramids were built between 300 and 600 AD, and they were pretty awesome to see. A free trip was too good to pass up, and we had a blast. I put a few of my favorite pictures below, along with explanations.

I hope everyone is doing well. I’d love to hear what you’re up to. Although I am loving my time here, I miss all of the familiar faces and voices in the States.

This is the view on top of one pyramid, looking at another, smaller pyramid. The cross, obviously, was added after the original construction.

Two of my teammates, JT and Kassie, on top of a pyramid.

This is one section of mural in the biggest pyramid, called Cacaxtla. There are still several section of mural visible throughout the pyramid, even though the structure is about 1400 years old.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

1. I know you've told me about her before, but I still find it amusing that there is someone named Betty under the age of 80.

2. I just stared off into space for like 10 minutes. I can't remember anything else I want to say. Sorry.

At 11:28 PM, Blogger emily said...

Jess is doing really well. Not too concerned with getting a job but that's ok (for now). We really love it. He turns 28 on Sunday.

We've tried Pacifico, its a step up from Dos Equis, etc. Very good with fish tacos!

What's your skype name? Mine is emilyromain...let me know when you're on. At least we can type back and forth. =)

At 11:29 PM, Blogger emily said...

Oh yes, going along with what Claire said about names - I'm friends with a couple named Ernest and Fran.

Also, Spritz the Rat went to a vet called Dr. Sunshine today. That is his real name. I don't know if he's Native American. Couldn't tell.


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